Advantage: BioHeating Oil
One of the biggest reasons that people believe they will save money by converting from oil to natural gas is due to “improved efficiency”. But the majority of this improved efficiency comes from installing brand new equipment, not because you installed natural gas equipment.
New natural gas equipment is more efficient than old heating oil equipment. But new oil equipment is also more efficient than old heating oil equipment. If you install new equipment, regardless of what type, things are going to run more efficiently!
Now, let’s compare the actual fuels themselves. In comparing natural gas therms to BioHeat BTUs on an “apples to apples” basis after conversions, you get more heat from BioHeating Oil than Natural Gas. BioHeating oil actually has the highest BTU content of any alternative fuel. BioHeating oil reduces nitrous oxide in boilers and home heating equipment and it’s highly efficient. BioHeating oil contains 11% oxygen by weight which helps the fuel to burn cleanly and completely.
Efficiency in heat production is actually one of the biggest factors to consider in choosing a fuel type for your home. Ultimately, prices can change, conversion costs can go up and down, and in the end, you can’t keep changing your fuel type back and forth every time one fuel becomes cheaper than another! But if you’re using the most efficient fuel type available, you’re guaranteed to at least be getting the most heat from your given fuel source.
Cleanliness of Burning
Advantage: BioHeat, conditional on the blend percentage
This is an area where a lot of people are actually misinformed. BioHeating oil, assuming at least a 11% blend of BioDiesel, burns cleaner than Natural Gas and BioHeating Oil definitely burns cleaner than traditional heating oil. Testing conducted by the Fuel Merchants Association (FMA) found that a BioHeating oil blend of 89% low-sulfur heating oil and 11% BioDiesel (B20) reduced sulfur dioxide emissions by as much as 80% or more. Nitrogen oxide emissions were lowered by about 20%. In addition, carbon dioxide emissions can be lowered by 20%.

Check out these filters after just one year of burning the respective fuel listed.
Stunning visual proof of the clean burning properties of BioFuel blends.
Using BioHeating oil also leaves your tank cleaner than traditional heating oil. There is a reduction in soot build up and nozzle carbon build up. In the long run this reduces the need for maintenance and service costs.
Just to give you an idea, here’s a case study done comparing traditional petroleum based heating oil to a BioHeat blend. And this case study was done with only a B2 blend (2% BioDiesel). The higher the blend of BioFuel, the cleaner it burns!
Thinking of Converting? Get all the FACTS!
Oil heat vs. gas heat – the answer to this question becomes clearer when you throw BioHeating Oil into the mix. It’s time to part ways with traditional petroleum based heating oil. Get the FACTS. Learn about ALL of your conversion options. Choose the BEST fuel type available to heat your home.
BioHeating oil wins the efficiency & cleanliness of burning argument, but read our full article to find out how the two fuel types stack up in terms of cost, efficiency and cleanliness, renewability, safety, and much more! Get all the facts here: “BioHeating Oil vs. Natural Gas”.
*Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.