BioHeating Oil vs. Natural Gas: The “Peace of Mind” Advantage

Safety of BioHeating Oil vs. Natural Gas

Advantage – BioHeat

BioHeating oil possesses many of the same safety traits as traditional heating oil always has. For starters, BioHeating oil will not burn in a liquid state. You could literally drop a match into a bucket of BioHeating oil, and it would go out as if you had dropped it in water. BioHeating oil is non-explosive.
It’s also always helpful that there are visible signs if there is a malfunction in your oil heating system, as

opposed to the gas leaks or carbon monoxide fears that are more common with gas systems. In the oil heat vs. gas heat debate, heating oil has always held a safety advantage, and BioHeating oil is no exception to that.

Natural Gas has taken precautions to increase safety, but there are definite risks with natural gas to be aware of. Natural gas is explosive. Gas leaks are rare, but extremely dangerous because of this. An odor is added to natural gas to attempt to help you notice a gas leak in time to get away. Carbon Monoxide poisoning is also a concern with natural gas. Appliances that use natural gas that are not properly maintained can put you at risk – without your knowledge as a carbon monoxide poisoning is fatal and extremely difficult to detect. Monitors are needed to try to maintain safety in the home.

Provider Relationship with BioHeating Oil vs. Natural Gas

Advantage – BioHeat

The advantage here is technically up to you to decide. Most people TRUST their BioHeating oil company provider more than the local utility company.
As a matter of fact, when surveyed in New Jersey, 76% of people trust their BioHeating oil company more than the local utility company.
Trust Quote
Typically, when using BioHeating oil, you develop a relationship with your provider, and have options to make choices as to what is done in your home. You are an individual customer, ordering your own heating oil, making your own choices as to who you order from, and are treated as such.

With a gas company, you become part of a massive “chain” of gas lines. The local utility company, while hopefully reliable and able to provide good customer service, does not possess the same individual approach to you or your home.

Thinking of Converting? Get all the FACTS!

Oil heat vs. gas heat – the answer to this question becomes clearer when you throw BioHeating Oil into the mix. It’s time to part ways with traditional petroleum based heating oil. Get the FACTS. Learn about ALL of your conversion optionsChoose the BEST fuel type available to heat your home.

BioHeating oil wins the safety argument, but read our full article to find out how the two fuel types stack up in terms of costefficiency and cleanlinessrenewability, safety, and much more!  Get all the facts here: BioHeating Oil vs. Natural Gas.

*Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici & hin255 at